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The Suburbs of Philadelphia - karaoke feat. Michael Pollack

"Suburbs Of Philadelphia"

I was bruised and battered, I couldn't tell what I felt
I was unrecognizable to myself – “who’s that loser?”  I wondered
I saw my reflection in a window, I didn't know my own orange face
Oh sister are you gonna leave me wastin' away
IN the suburbs of Philadelphia

I walked the streets of Alantic City where I am persona non grata   even in my Taj Mahal, 'til my legs felt like stone
I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone

Do I have any left?
At night I could hear the blood in my veins
Just as black and whispering as the inner cities and the rain
In the suburbs of Philadelphia

Ain't no angel gonna greet me
It's just you and I my friend
And my clothes don't fit me no more
I walked a thousand miles
Just to slip this skin

The night has fallen, I'm lyin' as usual and lyin’ awake on tweeting away
I can feel myself tweeting away

Is  anybody gonna vote for me anymore?
So receive me brother with your faithless kiss, Paul Ryan
Or will we leave each other alone like this
In the Suburbs of Philadelphia

The TV pundits keep saying that the presidential race willl be won or lost by the Pennsylvania swing state race -- and in particular by the women voters in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Well, WVITSOPh, our  nation's fate is in your hands once again.......

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