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Rent - One Song, Glory - a Michael Pollack MD cover

RENT (1994)


One Song. Glory



One song, glory, one song
Before I go, glory
One song to leave behind

Find one song, one last refrain, glory
From the pretty boy front man
Who wasted opportunity

One song, he had the world at his feet
Glory in the eyes of a young girl, a young girl
Find glory, beyond the cheap colored lights

One song, before the sun sets
Glory on another empty life
Time flies, time dies

Glory, one blaze of glory
One blaze of glory, glory

Find, glory, in a song that rings true
Truth like a blazing fire, an eternal flame

Find, one song, a song about love
Glory, from the soul of a young man
A young man

Find, the one song
Before the virus takes hold, glory
Like it sunset one song
To redeem this empty life

Time flies
And then no need to endure anymore
Time dies

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