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Eddington Records (OKC 1/8/17)   ---- OKC based music recording studios, Eddington Records, has just announced the signing of its first female recording artist, vocalist Susan Jones. Jones was a musical theater major in college and brings a long experience with semiprofessional singing to ER. She knew ER's CEO, COO, Lead in all things musical, and janitor, Michael Pollack MD in  his former career in radiology, though neither Pollack nor Jones  knew much about the other's musical mad skillz and interests.


Jones makes  her ER debut with 2 new offerings -- a cover of the 1980s duet of Elton John and Kiki Dee, "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" which she and Pollack duet together,


and Jones' cover of the Madonna classic, "Live to Tell."


 So far, reaction has been uniformly ecstatic!!


According to Pollack, Eddington Records  has recently dropped collections of its 80s dance and New Wave covers as well as a critically acclaimed collection of all its dance/funk/disco numbers. Sure to get your feet moving and to help with exercise-related New Year's resolutions.  Other playlists and mini concerts including collections of Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Simon & Garfunkel, and the Beatles have dropped recently too.


Of course,  there's much more on the way!!



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