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Lisa Levine - Mi SheBeirach - a Michael Pollack MD cover

Lisa Levine  (2000)


Mi SheBeirach


Mi SheBeirach avoteinu Avraham, Yitzchak v'Yaakov.

Mi SheBeirach imoteinu Sarah, Rivkah, Leiah, v' Rachel

May the One  who blessed our mothers 

May the One who blessed our fathers 

Hear our prayer, hear our prayer. hear our prayer, hear our prayer and bless us as well.


verse 1

Bless us with the power of Your  healing.

Bless us with the power of your hope.

May our hearts be filled with understanding and strengthened by the power of Your love


Mi SheBeirach....


verse 2

Bless us with the vision for tomorrow.

Help us to reach out to those in pain.

May the warmth of friendship ease our sorrow. 

Give us courage, give us faith, show us the way.


Mi sheBeirach....


Hear our prayer, hear our prayer. hear our prayer, hear our prayer and bless us as well.  Bless us as well.

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