Michael Pollack on EddingtonRecords.com - tracks
On a PC, the tracks should start playing automatically. On a smartphone or tablet, you might need to press the "play" arrow below. By popular demand there is a cool new "search" button. Or go old school and explore the menus. The first menu has our newest trending hits. On the covers I play all the guitar parts and sing all the vocals unless otherwise credited.
OK, siriusly now people it's getting towards the NBA preseason which can only mean that the Thunder season will be underway before we know it. As sirius fans that would make it high time to work on our rooting game and get in shape for our part as fans. Since my jump shot is a bit lacking, I choose to contribute by fine tuning the musical pumps that keep the team and our fans in it to win it. To wit, a nearly ready intro. Totally Sirius here.